What filler, what area?

As fillers become the popular treatment of choice amongst the many to plump, soften and sculpt the areas of your desires. We asked a few individuals if they knew the compounds of what was being injected into their body. Surprisingly, out of the 10 people we asked, 9 of them thought the same filler was…

What is self care and are you doing it?

In a world full of ideals and self help, it can be hard to know if what you’re doing is really going to befit you positively or even have any effect at all! We’re increasingly seeing a lot of ‘Self Care’ advice floating around in all areas of our life, from social media and TV…

Can you melt away that stubborn fat?

With the wonders of modern medicine and advances in technology, it’s no wonder we can now ‘melt away’ those stubborn areas of fat, trimming and sculpting to create the silhouette of choice. After lockdown 1.0 we have seen a rise in popularity of fat dissolving injections. Hailed as the ‘non surgical alternative to lipo suction’…

Is lockdown living affecting your skin health? We have the solution…

Our day to day lives have drastically changed in 2020. We are spending more time at home, less time outdoors and possibly eating and drinking all the things that we shouldn’t be. As well as an increase in stress levels and lack of sleep, this is all having a negative impact on our skin. So,…

Autumn – a great time to restart your weight loss regime

There is no mistaking that it’s autumn outside. The cooler temperatures, the coloured falling leaves and you can’t move for pumpkins in the supermarkets. Is it me or are they getting bigger each year? Here, we give you 5 reasons we believe autumn is the best time of year to eat well, get active and…

What are fillers?

With lip fillers growing in popularity in recent years and most of us having known someone that has had them, we are delving into what fillers actually are. According to Grand View Research* In 2019, hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers held the largest revenue share of lip enhancement treatments. So, what is hyaluronic acid (HA)? Hyaluronic…

Support Your Physical & Mental Health through the new COVID Restrictions

With news from the government last week that a new three tier system of COVID restrictions comes into force in England it’s understandable that people are experiencing feelings of worry and despair. Concerns about the virus, our loved ones, jobs, finances and what the future holds are overwhelming and may take a toll on our…

Profhilo – What is all the hype?!

2019 saw a rise of the wonder treatment, Profhilo, clinics were going mad for it and blogs were popping up everywhere reviewing this new cutting edge, scientifically advanced anti aging skin treatment! Grazia and the Telegraph both concluded it in their tried and tested treatments and when asked ‘is it worth it’? Polly Vernon responded,…