What is self care and are you doing it?

In a world full of ideals and self help, it can be hard to know if what you’re doing is really going to befit you positively or even have any effect at all!
We’re increasingly seeing a lot of ‘Self Care’ advice floating around in all areas of our life, from social media and TV to advertisements for drinks and even furniture?! So, what is self care to you? Is it sat in front of the TV binging on your favourite Netflix series? Your nightly skin care routine? or is it taking yourself off for a long hike in the woods?
What is the definition of self care?
According to Wikipedia the definition of ‘Self Care’…
Self-care is any necessary human regulatory function which is under individual control, deliberate and self-initiated.
What does that mean?
Basically, selfcare is the practice of consciously doing things that preserves or improves your mental or physical health.
What are the benefits?
By improving your physical and mental health you are taking control of your life and overall health. This releases feel good hormones such as serotonin, giving you that feel good feeling and wave of feeling upbeat.
Can we have too much self care?
If your go to self care regime is sat in front of the TV eating a bar of galaxy, do you think if you did this for 3 days straight you would feel good about yourself? Or if you like to run but ran for 6 hours straight every day, how do you think that would affect your body and most importantly your metal health? Like most of the good stuff in life, you need a balance.
Our conclusion
Self care is a great way to check in with yourself, give yourself a break and take stock of what makes you feel good. So, if you fancy a pamper, or you need an extra hour in bed then go for it! But if you find yourself skipping work for the third day in a row and cancelling plans for the fifth time to stay in and watch Tiktok videos until 3am, have a think if your self care habits could have turned toxic.
If you want to take control of your self care in the form of your nutrition, diet or skin care. visit our website for services and advice we offer.