Baby Botox®?

Think fresh and rested opposed to frozen and still. Baby Botox® is becoming increasingly popular for the clientele that want more of a Kate Middleton look rather than a Kim K.
Now, don’t get us wrong, both females are absolutely stunning, however both have a different look when it comes to aging.
What is the difference?
Baby Botox®, is simply injecting less solution into the muscle to create a softer appearance. Whilst still noticeably smoothing lines and wrinkles. This technique allows the client to have movement in the facial muscles resulting in the ability to still show facial expressions.
Why would I choose Baby Botox®?
Aimed at the clientele that maybe haven’t tried Botox® and want to dip their toe in, or the client that wants to maintain a natural, ‘has she, hasn’t she’? look.
Increasingly we are seeing more of the 30 something brackets of clients opting for this technique to keep them looking fresh but maintain their natural facial expressions. According to Glamour, over half (51%) of women aged 16-29 would consider getting cosmetic enhancements either now, or in the future.
What does our expert say…
We asked our Cosmetic doctor, Paul Effiong, what his thoughts are on Baby Botox®…
I think Botox® is a wonderful treatment, it can significantly reverse the signs of aging very quickly, simply and safely when being performed by the correct practitioner. Baby Botox® is effective in creating a more natural look for the patient by not restricting full facial movement. I recommend Baby Botox® for the younger patient that wants a little smoothing here and there. It is important to remember, Botox® relaxes the muscle, so maintaining the health of the skin is still key to maintain that plump glowing appearance.
Our verdict
Baby Botox® is a great ‘first timer’ treatment, or for someone looking for a ‘just had a facial’ look. Choosing the right practitioner is key for this method, someone with experience in performing this treatment who understands measures as this is key to desired results.